Monday, September 20, 2010

The Good, The Funny, and The Questionable

Part of my daily routine during the week is driving my girl to preschool.  And although the preschool is in South Durham, I actually managed to pick the furthest point of South Durham from my actual house.  Basically by the time I drop her off with little man in tow, get back in the car, give little man about 5-10 minutes of "oh you want the book?  the baby?  now you would like the old cheese stick under your seat.... ummmm... no ...but the goldfish are probably ok...I think they were from your sister's lunch yesterday",  buckle up, and get out of the lot and back on the road, there is almost no point in going home because I will just have to turn around within an hour or so.  Usually I go to Whole Foods to shop or Duke Gardens with little man.
Duke Gardens
Today as I was driving back down Anderson St. (the road Duke Gardens and Nasher Museum is located on) to pick up big sis {btw Anderson St. is being re-paved so take 147 to get to 9th St....avoid going through town}

I was thinking about this sign in the ditch by my house.  Stick with my ramblings...there is a point.  This sign I am pretty sure is stating no swimming...again, it's in the ditch by my house....that has no water in it.  This will be another story for another day, but nonetheless I was thinking about it and how I should do a series called "The good, The funny, and The questionable".  Well lo and behold, I come to from my thoughts and look up to see a guy on a

 Vespa.....motor motorcycle....something. 

This guys is all kinds of questionable with his driving...helmet that isn't buckled, no plate (is that illegal with those things?), swerving in and out of traffic because he was steadily texting..and texting looks a lot harder on a Vespa, because it seems hard to control a motorcycle vehicle with one hand.  I thought "wow this is a good first questionable entry" this was after I thought "man that guy is going to run into a telephone pole...who in the H E double L texts while driving a motor scooter?".  I had to get a picture of this, so I drove past him, turned around on a side street and waited for him to pass.  My intention was to get the pic as he passed, but the shot didn't come out, so I got back on the road to get a shot from behind him.  As I was trying to get a good pic (this guy was literally texting the whole time and had no idea some lunatic lady was behind him taking pictures) a cop passed us both from the other direction.  The Vespa guy got totally freaked, put his phone in his pocket, and kept turning around to see if the cop was doing a u-turn to get him.  But something else happened too...I got totally freaked, because who was the cop going to bust first? the scooter guy, or the lady tailgating a scooter at 30 miles an hour while taking pictures with her toddler in the back of her car?

BUSTED...questionable driver!